The name anti-abortion supporters give themselves – pro-life – is a ridiculous absurdity. In New Zealand and the United States, they are no more pro-life than a hungry hyena. The same pro-life people support the US Second Amendment – “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” That right killed 45,222 Americans in 2022.

The same pro-life people support executions. That policy has killed 1547 men and women in the United States since 1970.

The same pro-life people support their country spending $801 billion on the national killing machine. That policy killed 176,000 in Afghanistan, 268,000 in Iraq and more than 3 million in Vietnam.

But it is not only the United States that has a gang of pro-life nutters. New Zealand has its fair share. In opinion polls on the subject 70% of New Zealand adults support abortion being legal and treated as a health issue. That is 2,616.384 of the 3,737,691 people over age 18. It still leaves New Zealand with 1,121,307 abortion reactionaries. And that is a terrifying thought.

But it is not the general population that is a concern. The people that matter are those who can affect change. In the USA it only took 5 people to destroy the country’s abortion law.

In New Zealand we get some idea of the opinions of those in power by how they voted when abortion liberal reform was being passed. In particular we can analyse the 51 MPs who voted against the reform and find out the size of the enemy and where they live. The table below shows the numbers.

Category Number % of Current Caucus
Current National Party MPs 17 52%
Current Labour Party MPs 9 14%
Retired National Party MPs 17 Not Applicable
Retired Labour Party MPs 0 Not Applicable
Retired NZ First Party MPs 8 Not Applicable
All Total 51

So, what do those numbers mean? And where does the danger lie? Let’s look at the National Party first.

17 of 33 members of the current National Party in parliament voted against abortion reform in New Zealand. That’s 52%. But add their leader, Luxon, to that list. He wasn’t around to vote, and the parliamentary National Party has 18 reactionary bigots out of 33 MPs or 55%. In other words, a majority of the current Parliamentary National Party MPs would vote with the American Supreme Court. They agree a woman does NOT have the right to choose. 

And make no mistake some of those guys are real mad buggers. Guys who have posted Tweets comparing abortion to the WW2 holocaust. Guys who post messages praising the USA Supreme Court. Women who click like on that message. And a leader who said the Lord will bring vengeance on anyone who voted for New Zealand’s abortion reform.

So Luxon can stand up and swear blind that the National Party will never change New Zealand’s position on abortion, but when a majority of his Party are full on mad fruit loops on the subject, can we believe him?

Here are the names of the 17 National Party creeps who enthusiastically voted to destroy women’s rights. Beware of this lot. If you are female, they have power and they have you in their sights – Bayly, Brown, Brownlee, Dean, Goldsmith, Hipango, Lee, McClay, McKelvie, Muller, O’Connor, Penk, Pugh, Reti, Upston, Molen, Woodhouse.

Then there is Labour. 9 current Labour MPs voted against the New Zealand abortion reform. 9 from a Labour caucus of 65 or 14%. No question, Jacinda can keep that percentage under control. At 14% there is no danger there.

And so women’s freedom to choose in New Zealand is most at risk by the National Party, who want to take New Zealand back to dark alley abortions and blood poisoning deaths. The National Party who want us to follow their USA Supreme Court heroes. The National Party member who insisted on flying a Donald Trump hat in his parliamentary office. And the National Party leader who became part of the adoring mob at Ted Cruz rallies. That is where the danger is. For 500 years women have fought, often to the death for their rights. Next New Zealand election don’t scorn their work. Do not vote for a right-wing reactionary bigot leading a majority of right-wing reactionary bigots.   

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