
Sixteen member Regions elect the Board of Swimming New Zealand. As a consequence, the most compelling duty confronting every Swimming New Zealand board member should be to honour their fiduciary duty to the Regions. Byrne has the same responsibility. Failure to meet their fiduciary duty could result in grave consequences, including jail time, for both the offending board members and the CEO. A breach of Swimming New Zealand’s fiduciary duty to the Regions occurs whenever a board member or Byrne abuse their power in such a way that causes harm to one or more of the Regions.

The essence of Swimming New Zealand’s fiduciary relationship with the Regions is best described in a 1972 court decision which held that:

A fiduciary relationship is one founded on trust or confidence reposed by one person in the integrity and fidelity of another…A fiduciary relation exists when confidence is reposed on one side and there is resulting superiority and influence on the other…

Under the current constitution the Regions of New Zealand put their trust and confidence in the Swimming New Zealand Board – an obvious fiduciary relationship exists. And it has been betrayed. Potential criminal behaviour is in need of investigation. How do we know this? Well, today Swimming New Zealand published a paper called the “Operating Model Options Report – March 2011”. In it the SNZ Board identifies four recommended options for constitutional change. SNZ calls them Club Focused, the British Swimming Model, Super Regions and the Centralised Services and Governance option. The existing Regional structure doesn’t even make their final cut. The “shareholders” who elected these people are being eliminated with inexcusable contempt. In Swimming New Zealand’s rush for power, the Regions are unwanted. SNZ has abandoned its fiduciary duty.

This Board was not elected with a mandate to discard the Regions. When the Swimming New Zealand board was elected it entered into a relationship with the Regions “founded on trust”; based on “integrity and fidelity”. What a grave error that was. Project Vanguard is mutiny and here are the names of the nine mutineers – Murray Coulter, Ross Butler, Mark Berge, Humphrey Pullon, Dominic Toomey, Jane Wrightson, Jan Cameron, Mike Byrne and Cathy Hemsworth. If their intention is to get rid of those who elected them, they should resign in mass and stand again on a platform that makes it clear they no longer see any merit in having the Regions around.
The deception of Project Vanguard is probably dire enough to give SNZ board members serious legal difficulties. However, their problems are about to get much worse. You may recall that the definition of a breach of fiduciary duty includes the requirement that the abuse of power causes harm to one or more of the Regions. Well, eliminating the Regions is probably bad enough to satisfy that test. However, do you remember this recommendation from the Ineson Report?

The winding up of the regions will require a strategy to properly manage the change. An arrangement will be made with SNZ that all Regional funds and assets have a sunset clause (3-5 years) after which all remaining assets/funds to be forwarded to SNZ.

Swimming New Zealand is going to rape the Regions of their money, their equipment, their buildings, their cars; all their assets. Southland has a unique relationship with their licensing trust. Forget it – in three years that won’t exist or it will belong to greedy Mike in Wellington. Auckland owns the score board, the computers the chairs, the starting blocks; half a million dollars of equipment at the West Wave Pool. Not in three years it won’t. Jan Cameron will be the Queen of Auckland’s assets. Canterbury has reserves of $246,000, accumulated over 110 years; gone in three years to Wellington. Otago has $124,000 that the Hemsworth Report says Otago is as keen as mustard to transfer to the capital. In Swimming Northland’s February board minutes Helen, the Treasurer, wants to invest Northland’s reserves in a long term deposit. She had better make sure it’s less than three years. Murray Coulter is going to need that money. Did you think Swimming New Zealand was going to pay for the sporting carpetbaggers they are about to hire? Wrong. They are going to take your money and spend it on people like themselves. Project Vanguard is a Coulter and Byrne heist. And that just has to be a huge breach of their fiduciary duty.

The “Operating Model Options Report – March 2011” says Swimming New Zealand is an organisation that communicates poorly, it lacks consistency, it does not collaborate easily, it is not a performance-oriented organisation, it has a culture of ‘them’ and ‘us’, it sometimes finds it easier to lay blame than work together, it is an organisation of revered individuals rather than a team and it is not well positioned to reach out to the whole swimming community. I certainly agree with most of that. But those failings have nothing to do with the Regions. They are not their fault. Those problems are because Byrne and Cameron don’t know how to run the place. Giving them a Club Focused or a British Swimming Model or a Super Regions structure or a Centralised Services and Governance option won’t make any difference. The people need to change; not the structure. Mike Byrne says he is unable to make the existing structure work. Then he should move over and make way for executives who understand how to run the place. Good managers will thrive and prosper working inside the current Regional model – and it won’t cost a penny.

The “Operating Model Options Report – March 2011” highlights the waste we will all be buying into if the current structure of swimming in New Zealand is changed. Their Report is stacked full of the most outrageous double speak, marketing, trendy, vacant, rubbish I’ve read in a long time. Just imagine what Duncan Laing, Arthur Lydiard, Rusty Robertson, Fred Allan, Ross Anderson, Edmund Hillary and Colin Meads would make of this selection.

  1. Accountabilities do not exist in any effective way to deliver outcomes demanded by all stakeholders.
  2. The national office equally needs to rely on alignment of the organisation on major business deliverables.

Just think about it for a moment, do you want an organization that’s full of that sort of stuff or do you want the sort of tough, lean, practical achievement that is represented by the names of New Zealanders who do or did know how to win a sporting event.

And finally, and as usual, Swimming New Zealand lie like there is no tomorrow. All through this Report they claim that a majority of the membership support the abolition of the Regions. I’ve heard reports that the Project Vanguard committee is forever claiming they have a popular mandate for dismantling the regional structure. What else does this line in their Report mean? “And most importantly you, the members, have said “there is room for improvement so we cannot continue the way we are going.” Please, don’t lie to us Swimming New Zealand. The membership hasn’t said that at all. In fact Coulter is the guy who is too gutless to go to the membership and ask for a mandate to proceed to the next stage of the Project Vanguard process. Remember the AGM remit requiring him to do that? Eventually, though Swimming New Zealand are going to have to go to the Regions. Eventually they are going to have to find 45 votes. And do you know what, no matter what inducements and bribes Swimming New Zealand offer, no matter what lies they tell or contractual obligations they ignore – I don’t think they are going to get them.

  • Swimcoach101

    Well, here is my first ever response to swimwatch. I have been following this website for the past 4 months, reading as much information as possible. David firstly I believe you are being used as a puppet by a certain head of a certain region with the name of Auckland Swimming. I am actually sick of the bullshit that gets posted on this blog, I am a swim coach, I have been a swimmer and also a businessman. I know many of the people personally who you talk about in your bloggs and belive me that none of them absolutely none of the are how you describe them.

    Swimming is about the fun of the sport, it is about the kids, it is about water safety and yes it is about competition. I think it is vitally healthy for Swimming New Zealand to be doing reviews of whether it should centralise, or not! I think it is vital for all to have a say, and I think it is vital for all to know the truth. You Mutiny post is the truth but twisted I have read the document myself today and while yes there are concerns in the document. What Swimming New Zealand have done is not criminal in any way matter or shape!

    I actually love how in recent posts you say “Swimming New Zealand must change, and develope” however in the mutiny post you quote “The “Operating Model Options Report – March 2011” highlights the waste we will all be buying into if the current structure of swimming in New Zealand is changed”

    I think you are the “Joke” and so is this swimwatch website. It is destroying the sport and humlility behind the sport in so many ways.

    I will sign off by saying what goes around will come around, and I hope who ever is fuelling this fire “of pathetic bullshit” get burnt!

  • Chris

    I don’t get it, I just don’t get it! They are absolutely hell-bent on this.

    They should be saying “you know what … with the everything under review at the moment we should just park Project Vanguard and re-look at this when we have got our act together”.

  • Sensible Swimming

    Jail time? That maybe a bit strong – heck in New Zealand they can’t even get the guys who ran the finance companies behind bars – look at how quickly the Americans sorted Bernie Madoff out, and when they did it they threw away the keys! David I am sure the people you refer to are genuine people who believe what they are doing is right to the point where they feel the method will justify the end. That is the problem here – there is more than a whiff of shady dealing going on in all this. Now that SNZ have finally come out and said what was obvious they were thinking all along it will be good to have an open debate about what is on offer – Lets just have the go/no go vote which was promised – but I do not think SNZ wants to have that yet because in their heart of hearts they know it is not one they can win.

  • Swimcoach101 – I must correct you on one detail. I am a puppet of no one. The record of swimwatch, I would have thought, makes that pretty obvious. I also do not express the views of the Auckland Center or of Brian Palmer. In fact, any discussion I have had with the CEO of Auckland has been marked by his very guarded responses to any questions of mine. The first time we met he told me he had \heard of my reputation and would be keeping an eye on me\. I have no idea whether he agrees with the thoughts expressed here. My guess is he probably finds them a bit radical, but then that’s probably true for you as well.

    Anyway pleased to see you are reading the blog and working to keep us on the straight and narrow.


  • Swim Parent

    Swimcoach101 – I have also been following the site over the last few months with much interest. If you think the treatment of Kane Radford is unacceptable please explain what you believe is in the best interest of Swimming in New Zealand. Sure water saftey, fun for kids is important, but what has Swimming New Zealand achieved to increase participation of kids at swim schools or the teaching of swimming within our schools. I believe they should be working with the ministry of education on these issues and put programmes in place that shall work.

    Back to the competitive side of swimming as a swim parent we don’t need a corporate structure that is going to determine what our swimmers can and can’t do and what level they can achieve. We need New Zealand Swimming, Regions, Clubs and Coaches to be ambitious and as David put it have some rugged individualism.

    Kane has the potential to be a great open water swimmer if not the greatest in New Zealand history, without international exposure how can he achieve his or New Zealand goals. In my view he should have been sent to Beijing in 2008, sure he was 17 and made some tactical errors in attempt to qualify for Beijing but he still was learning and has the talent and ambition to succeed. In my mind the coaches and selectors were not ambitious enough to give him a go. If Kane had been given the opportunties earlier and with international experience under his belt I believe he would have been a serious contender for gold at London.

    I have the same issue with my son’s swim club at the moment they are not ambitious enough, trying to restrict what my son can and can’t race at a swim meet which is making him upset and frustrated enough though he is more than capable of completing the races he wishes to enter.

    In short I think New Zealand Swimming should focus on raising the level of our coaches in New Zealand, we don’t need international coaches as David has pointed out in earlier blogs. We need to develop a group of talent and ambitious coaches who bring our talented swimmers through to be international stars. Only a great swim coach can make a great swimmer, not a structure or corporate identity.

    Great example is Duncan Laing he made Danyon a great swimmer, back them Danyon was given the opportunity to gain international experience at the of 14 at the commonwealth games. An ambitious coach who could dream and dream big.

    David keep up the good work, although some of your words are rather personal the raw truth has to be told. As yet I am unable to under stand Swimming New Zealand’s objectives to encourage the teaching of water saftey and swimming in New Zealand and the guidance of our most talented swimmers.

    No ambition is my toughts.

  • Chris

    Swimcoach 101 – Oh please!!

    Those Sports Tribunal cases are in the public domain, its in black and white, and if SNZ is going to lie to a court then they deserve everything they get. As I referred to earlier, if Mr Palmer felt the need to privately contact Te Rina Taite, 2 years after the event, when she had obviously retired (probably with some bitterness) then that says volumes to me. I don’t know him, but he has got to be better than that distinctively unimpressive SNZ CEO. Honestly, Mike Byrne really is not that bright.

    Yes, David can be unpalatable at times (I have a friend who to this day refuses to read Swimwatch) but he doesn’t apologise for it, after all, this site is not a public broadcasting service. But he is now touching into the mainstream swimming community, of which I and many of my colleagues are a part, and striking a lot of common chords. I know of many, many people who now read this site, often with amusement, but also outrage, and it is provoking a lot of debate.

    Keep it going!

  • Legally Swimming

    Oh dear Swimcoach 101 – so much anger

    Is it really about the blog or the fact that you were the last kid at school to be picked in the lunch time sports teams? You maybe an ex swimmer, swim coach and businessman but from your comments it is easy to see that you are so out of touch of what is going on both around a swimming pool and within SNZ that id love to know what swimming club you coach. You do know that the side stroke doesnt exist anymore right??

    So from your comments you totally agree with the treatment that has been handed down to swimmers like Kane Radford, Te Rina Taite and the many others that have fallen foul with Jan and her attempt to turn SNZ into a family business.. Have you actually meet these swimmers?? Id love to know if you had the same opinion if they were your children…

    SNZs proposed changes are not for the betterment of swimming. They are for the betterment of SNZ and having absolute control. Have you read Animal Farm by George Orwell?? If you have then you know what happens to the pigs (SNZ) when they get absolute control.

    You mustnt travel to many swimming meets in your role as a “swimming coach” throughout NZ or if you do you dont talk to many people at those regions because if you did you would know that the majority if not all of the regions throughout NZ do not want the changes that are being proposed. Next time in your role as a “swimming coach” and you happen to be in say BOP, Northland, Taranaki or a number of other regions, please mention project “Vanguard” and id love to see those villagers chase you out with their pitch forks.

    Unfortunately Swimcoach 101 you are the joke.. David is just allowing the people that do not know what is happening in SNZ (like yourself) to see what is happening, so instead of abusing him you should really be thanking him. The only people that are destroying Swimming as a sport in NZ are Jan Cameron and Mike Byrne.

    In your sign off you pen the phrase that all of this is “pathetic bullshit”. Now for it to be bullshit it would have to be untrue. Unfortunately the dire condition that SNZ is in is actually true and I will guarantee you that come April when SPARC has finished with its review of the sport the people behind its demise will be held accountable… Unfortunately for you they will be your pals Jan and Mike.

  • Rhi Jeffrey

    I was going to get on here and rip SwimCoach101 a new one but it seems that’s not needed any longer. Controversy is what our sport needs more of. No one gives a shit about swimming unless it’s an Olympic year and maybe if we had more Terrell Owens type people in our sport people would actually pay attention to us. David is a breath of fresh air in a world of pollution.