By David
I have been professionally involved in swimming for thirty years. As you can imagine I have experienced all sorts of parents – the good, the bad and the ugly. Most parents are reasonable people, concerned for the welfare of their children but prepared to give the coach the freedom to develop their children’s skills.
Some parents are very good. Swimwatch readers may remember a butterfly and freestyle swimmer called Nichola Chellingworth. She swam for New Zealand and was a multiple national champion and record holder. She was also one of the nicest people you would find in sport or in life. I coached Nichola for several years. Her father, John and mother, Anne were model parents: interested, helpful and concerned but who never invaded the coach’s area of responsibility. I am certain that the success of Nichola’s swimming career owed much to her parent’s common sense involvement.
Olympic relay gold medallist, Rhi Jeffrey, also had (has) an excellent father. Rhi’s swimming career has had more than its share of peaks and troughs; from the peak of the Athens Olympic Games to barely being able to break 30 seconds for 50m freestyle when she began training in New Zealand. Doug, her father, did an impossibly good job of steering a supportive and even path through it all.
Only my daughter, Jane, had better parents. Sorry – only joking!
Unfortunately, and it is a sad reflection on the human condition, my most vivid memories are of the bad and ugly parents. Here are my “Famous Five”.
One mother was responsible for recording the results of our club’s swimmers. About six months after a provincial championship I asked for a report on the championship results. I recognized an error in the report. Toni Jeffs was correctly shown as winning the woman’s 50m and 100m freestyle. However, I did not recognize the name of the swimmers shown in second and third. They were from another club. That was strange because I knew that the recorder’s daughter had been second in both races. In fact, it was the first time her daughter had been beaten by Toni. I called the recorder and asked her to check the results because her daughter’s swims seemed to be missing. Two months later I had not received a reply so I rang to see if the result had been corrected. I will never forget her answer. “No,” she said, “I remember those races clearly and my daughter never swam.” Would you believe it? History was changed because a mother could not bear the thought of her daughter being beaten. To this day, I would imagine, those results remain a fiction in provincial swimming history. And if readers are thinking Swimwatch may have made too much noise about the Wellington Region adding names to their minutes, it’s to make sure the sport avoids fiddling with results and times that we have seen in the past.
My next “parent behaving badly” is all too common. What made this example worse than others was the prodigious talent of her son. For the sake of this story we will call him Jason. He could swim. He could run. He was a brilliant gymnast. One Saturday Arch Jelley came to Wellington to take an athletic program being offered by our club. Jason was there obviously enjoying the drills and exercises; clearly better at them than most. Later that day I went up onto the slopes of Mt Victoria to watch the annual Vosseler Shield cross country event. This is a killer of a race; winding its way up and down very steep tracks through the Mt Victoria reserve. I was surprised to see Jason galloping along in front of the junior boy’s race. Later that evening I went to the Kilbirnie Aquatic Centre to watch our club take part in a Wellington Region interclub event. Jason was there again winning all the events in his age group; 400 freestyle, 100 fly, 200 IM, you name it Jason was in there and winning.
The following week I asked Jason’s mother to pop into my office for a chat. Gently I suggested that athletics, cross country and six or seven swimming races in one day might be too much; might be harmful in the long term. His mother looked stunned. Wasn’t I aware that her son had won all his events, his father already had the photos framed and displayed on Jason’s bedroom wall? Besides Jason just loved the whole day. I tried to find a way of saying that there are many things children might like but a parent’s job is to decide what was best not what was liked the most. Clearly my caution was having no effect. Why was I trying to ruin Jason’s athletic career? Why was I trying to stop him having fun?
The last time I saw Jason he was with some of his mates, about nineteen or twenty years old, overweight, unshaven, drinking a bottle of beer and smoking a cigarette outside the Wellington Railway Station. I guess he was enjoying that as well. However New Zealand had lost a sporting talent largely because his parents could not control their addiction to seeing their son compete and win swimming and running races.
My next “badly behaving parent” was probably the best and certainly the hardest working parent volunteer I’ve ever seen. He was a senior executive in a large international company. How he managed to find the hours he worked for the club was beyond belief. He was also a very courageous man. He won an award for walking into an oil refinery fire and turning off a leaking valve. You may be asking, how could such a man cause a problem? Well, his daughter was a very good swimmer and a huge amount of fun to have on the team; bright, funny, rebellious, hardworking, all the qualities I enjoy being around. But she misbehaved during an overseas trip to Europe and I decided some discipline was necessary. I banned her from a team trip to a meet in Kingston, Jamaica. The father took that badly and conducted a pretty vicious campaign to have me removed from the club. That failed and he ended up leaving the club. However during the turmoil one consistent theme repeated frequently in his many emails was that I was destroying his family. I thought it was a huge irony when, shortly after his email war with me, he left the family home to live with a married woman who was also an executive in the same large company. Never been quite sure how all that fitted in with me destroying his family. And for that he has reached third place on my list.
And, one away from top place comes Linda, mother of Jamie. Some people just don’t travel well: in Spain, they can be found on the lookout for McDonalds or a Subway sandwiches; in Turkey searching the internet for the nearest Burger King and beside the Rhine in Cologne complaining about the absence of Californian chardonnay. Well Linda was one of those. I took her and her daughter on a team to swim in the Mare Nostrum series five years ago. Why have those three meets caused me so many problems – they are relaxed but competitive events in some of Europe’s most idyllic locations? Anyway, a week before the first meet in Barcelona, Jamie got sick. I wasn’t sure what was wrong so along with Linda, I took Jamie to the doctor at the camp we were training at. He prescribed some antibiotics and told us to take the first meet carefully but Jamie should be fine for the second meet in Canet.
The day before the Barcelona meet I told Jamie I had scratched her from her longer races but had left her in the 50m freestyle. She could swim that event, but only if she felt up to the task. She said she wanted to swim and I agreed. Jamie swam. Her time was slower than her best but in the circumstances was a good swim; an indication of better things to come. Linda however could not handle the modest result. She carted Jamie off to various tourist attractions in Barcelona that afternoon and arrived back at our apartment announcing that she had spoken to husband and was on her way back to Florida the following morning. And that’s what she did.
The rest of the team swam the other Mare Nostrum meets in Canet and Monte Carlo. By the time we got home Linda had filed a formal complaint with the Florida Gold Coast Association claiming I had neglected her daughter’s ill health and had forced Jamie to swim the 50m freestyle. It was rubbish of course; especially when it was pointed out that the same Linda that was saying Jamie was too sick to swim 50m had carted Jamie around Barcelona for hours looking at tourist attractions. Linda’s complaint also said that I had sent, the sick Jamie, down to the shallow end of the Barcelona pool to practice turns. That lie was easily rebutted. The Barcelona pool doesn’t have a shallow end. It’s the same depth all over.
Florida Gold Coast dismissed Linda’s Mare Nostrum complaint. But Jamie was taken to another club. It was sad. Jamie was a tremendous talent; at 12 and 13 years old one of the best in the United States. In 2014/15 she should have been on a full scholarship to a good Division One program in a school like Auburn, Texas, Stanford, Florida or Georgia. Instead, I see, she has settled for Florida Atlantic University swim team in Boca Raton. Jamie had the potential to swim for her country and never will. That can be the price kids pay when parents behave badly.
But the winner, comfortably out on her own, is Julie Reiser. Where to start – loud, brash, aggressive, opinionated, with scant respect for the truth. I always thought Julie Reiser was the custodian of many of the qualities that much of the world hate about the United States: an American who gives the place a bad name. Ironically she used to promote a “Made in America” certification website. If Reiser is an example of domestic production, it may be best to stay with “Made in Mexico”.
She was on the committee of my Florida club. She complained about everything. Nothing was good enough. While I was there Ozzie Quevedo (currently an Assistant Coach at Auburn) broke the Master’s world records for 50m and 100m butterfly. Obviously I gave the swims prominent mention in the club newsletter. At the next Board meeting Reiser dismissively said, “You’re not taking credit for that are you?” As she was speaking I noticed Ozzie walking into the pool. I called him over and asked if the training he had done with the club had helped his world record swims. “Of course it did,” he said. Reiser never forgave me for that well-earned public put down.
She bombarded the members, the committee and my family with emails accusing me of all sorts of bad behaviour, sometimes highlighting sentences in her emails in red, bold font to apparently make a stronger point. Picking up on the incident with Jamie in Barcelona, she used that as a launching pad to destroy everything we had built at that club over the previous four years. She claimed financial indiscretions that never happened and were proven false, as well as personal attacks that seemed to come out of the blue. I actually to this day have no idea why. Her own children seemed happy; she herself had seemed happy at the club for quite a while. It was a thriving, growing community of swimmers, from 50-second Long Course 100 freestylers to kids who were learning to kick with kickboards. I never before believed that someone who simply shouted the loudest for longest could actually win, no matter how bad or wrong or untrue their claims. However, Julie Reiser proved that screaming at the top of her lungs while other people tried to quietly reason was the best course of action to get your way. It was a highly distressing time for a lot of people involved in that team, many of whom not only ended up leaving the team, but moving away from the area. One or two very promising athletes ended up leaving the sport entirely – moves I do not think would have happened when they did if Julie had not taken down their swim team.
Not much happens at that pool anymore, at least not in the way it happened before mid-2009. The destruction of the team that once existed there is almost solely Julie Reiser’s doing, along with the people who listened to her at Palm Beach County.
To give you a feel for how bad her accusations became here is an email I got yesterday from one of my better Florida swimmers.
“Hi David! Just read the article Jane posted. It is nice to know that people reap what they sow. We always believed you and knew you and Alison had nothing to do with any of that. To this day XXXXXX and I still talk about how bad we feel that you were falsely accused. It’s too bad they had to be a part of the team. Hope you know how much the rest of us loved having you here! Definitely glad her sins found her out :) I’m sure this news puts a smile on your face! Hope you are doing well!”
The “news”, we will get to later in this post…
Things got even worse when I discovered Reiser had asked the club to invoice her boy’s training fees as a single amount and call it a gym membership. I investigated further and discovered she was claiming the cost back from her then-employer who offered gym memberships to the staff as a corporate perk. I told the employer. I was not happy to be accused of financial mismanagement, only to find that my accuser was defrauding her employer with my coaching programme. Julie was sacked and left the swimming club.
But you may be wondering, what is this mention of Reiser’s sins all about. Well, with that history imagine how I felt when I read the following headline in the Boca News last Friday.
Made In USA Founder, McCline For Congress Director Reiser Jailed
by Staff • May 19, 2014 6:20 pm

Julie Reiser, Courtesy Palm Beach County Jail
There may be some Swimwatch readers who want to read more about the most recent events in the life and times of Julie Reiser. Here is the link:
That has to be kama. Perhaps even schadenfreude. Or as a friend of mine from Florida said today in an email on the subject – “Four greatest words in the English language: I told you so.”
Amen to that.
Well that’s my Famous Five. Pray God it never grows to become the name of another well-known Enid Blyton series, “The Secret Seven”.