What A Tit

By David

Having begun a trend of writing Swimwatch stories about non-swimming subjects I would ask your indulgence one more time. After all, next week the Commonwealth Game’s Trials are being held in Auckland. Time enough then to return to aquatic matters.

But before that I would like to consider the variety of comments posted on Swimwatch stories. Many of them are very good. “Northern Swimmer” is always quick to point out errors of fact or logic. He or she writes without malice and has been fair and polite for the years s/he has been visiting the site. There is the occasional light hearted personal note but the subject is normally more important than the author. Yesterday “Northern Swimmer” posted a comment on the Swimwatch John Key story. This is what was said.

Northern Swimmer (Guest):

I think you may have jumped the gun here. And since swimming now has a one start rule, prepare to be reprimanded. You are absolutely right that Kim Dotcom’s freedom of expression should be upheld – Article 19, the First Amendment, Voltaire, and all of that. But our illustrious Leader Key wasn’t trying to restrict KDC’s rights (this time). He was freely expressing his own opinion on KDC owning a copy of Mein Kampf, with the intention to profit greatly from its resale. And i think this is fair criticism, and understandable given Key’s (mother’s) family history. As for your voting options this year: has any of them jumped to defend Mr Dotcom’s liberties? And I would have picked you for a libertarian, given your preference for the market providing our national swim team rather than a state regime.

I think most of us would agree. The comment is constructive, open and funny; a good comment that adds an alternative and valid view to the Swimwatch line.

And then you get some really moronic comments. For example today Dr Felix Cumberbund left the following text on the Sam Rossiter-Stead story

Dr Felix Cumberbund

Who has written this? David, what is your last name? Anyone prepared to character assassinate a community volunteer, should have the guts to put their credentials on full display. Why would anyone want to volunteer when there is poisoned, malicious insanity like this out there?

Let’s take a minute to consider the stupidities wrapped up in these four lines.

First of all, the author’s name, Dr Felix Cumberbund, is clearly fictitious. Certainly Google has no record of a New Zealander with that name. So we know Felix is tough at asking me to reveal all while he hides behind a nom de plume. That pretty well means Felix meets all the criteria required of a pathetic hypocrite.

Second Felix asks, “Who has written this? David, what is your last name?” Well Felix right at the top of the Swimwatch title page, in big white capital letters you may be able to read the words ABOUT SWIMWATCH. Click on that link. Here is what you will find.

Swimwatch was founded in 2003 by David Wright and Edward Yardley. Although neither were sure of the meaning of the term ‘blog’, the site developed into one of New Zealand’s most well-read swimming blogs. Yardley now live in the United States, whilst Wright is back in New Zealand after living in the US as well. Late-edition to the Swimwatch team, Jane Copland, lives in London. However, after six years, Swimwatch continues to provide a somewhat-alternative look at the swimming world.

It might not be a full biography but it does tell you my last name, which if you add “Swim Coach” to my name Google will direct you to a Wikipedia page that provides much more detail. Clearly IQ and computer technology are not Felix strong points so here is the link to my Wikipedia page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wright_(swimming_coach)

So, what is the next Felix point? “Anyone prepared to character assassinate a community volunteer, should have the guts to put their credentials on full display.” I suspect this post has more than adequately covered the mindless accusation of “credentials on full display”.

I am however not at all sure what Felix means by “character assassination”. I’ve just reread the Sam Rossiter-Stead story. Perhaps Felix can help. Is he suggesting that Sam Rossiter-Stead is not “the individual who distributed an email to the Wairarapa swimming community claiming that he was the recipient of “crank phone calls”? Does Felix believe that Sam Rossiter-Sread didn’t tell “anyone who would listen that he was “working with Vodafone and the police to identify the culprit”? Surely Felix doesn’t believe the Masterton police lied when they reported that they “were not checking out a list of Sam Rossiter Stead supplied numbers.” Is Felix saying Sam Rossiter- Stead didn’t devote “a whole paragraph to the plight of Wairarapa youngster Grace Yeates and compare her distress to the behavior of some in the Wairarapa swimming community?” Does Felix believe that the comparison with a very ill child is acceptable and in good taste? Tell me Felix have I got it wrong? I’m sure Sam Rossiter-Stead pleaded for those making crank calls to “increase the frequency of their calls”. Felix, let me know if I’ve got some facts wrong. It certainly seems pretty factual. No character assassination there that I can tell.

And the final Felix gem, “Why would anyone want to volunteer when there is poisoned, malicious insanity like this out there?” Over many years involved in sport; after contact with thousands of volunteers it is no secret that, like every population, there is the good, the bad and the ugly. Because people volunteer their time does not put them above critical analysis. Normal standards of truth, honesty, good taste and manners apply equally to the professional and the volunteer. When volunteers err, and in this case I think Sam Rossitter-Stead has blundered, it is entirely proper for those of us affected to point out what we consider to be faults.

So Felix, thank you for your views. As you can tell we think they are rubbish but as always even rubbish benefits from some fresh air.

  • Dr Felix Cumberbund

    Ok, I’ll play your game, I’ll give you another raft of throwaway comments, designed to inflame the conscience of a more compassionate human, and you can take it all verbatim, roughly stitch together your one-sided story and write a million words to show how “correct” you are about everything. Probably because all of that Chlorine has made you unreasonable.

    If you’re interested in facts, what I can tell you, is that Sam donates more than half of his time for volunteer causes, across a range of sports, and has a long track record of benevolence and community mindedness. What you are drawing attention to here is his reaction to an extreme situation, and those around him know that his values are strong.

    Ask yourself this David, who is your handy-work here helping? You have donated 8 years of your life to this! And for what? Do you feel better about yourself? Is anyone going to respond to this other than maybe your daughter? Swimming has benefited in the region because of the work that Sam does, this is a silly sideshow to some real progress that has been made.

    Off you go, have the last word.
    -Yours etc etc
    Dr Felix

  • David

    Dr. Felix,

    Wholeheartedly excusing someone’s terrible behaviour because they have completed benevolent tasks in other areas of their life is a very dangerous game. It’s a tactic that’s been used to ignore many a damaging activity – I most routinely see it played out by people who do a whole manner of awful things to other people, but who “counter” that by doing something like donating to charity. As if the latter cancels out the former. This allows the “silly side shows” to continue uninhibited until one of them does a significant amount of damage.

    Mr. Rossiter-Stead must be held accountable for what he has done here in swimming: the good things you do in life don’t cancel out the bad.

    Jane receives the emails when a new comment is posted because she maintains the website. This is one reason there is often a delay between a comment being posted and it being approved (she lives in the UK so is not around during our daytime). She seems particularly taken by the stupidest comments, like those from people who can’t even be bothered to check for an About page that includes the full name of the author, links to another person’s personal blog and another’s LinkedIn profile before crying about how the writer is an anonymous coward, while posting with an anonymous pseudonym.