‘Pawns in adult power games’ (

The tragic death of Olivia Podmore has prompted many people involved in sport to air views previously hidden for fear of reprisal. The cleansing effect of the new openness is both welcome and long overdue.

One of the better examples is an article I read this morning on the news website, . I recommend anyone involved in sport and especially involved in swimming read this astonishing piece by Jane Copland.

The essay lays bare the mental horror show brought on by NZ’s sport’s experiment with centralized training. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That was certainly the case in the sport of swimming.

But then swimming saw the light. Steve Johns and Gary Francis tossed out the decaying fabric of the centralised structure and replaced it with an American style decentralised model. The change has been immediate and rapid. There is still some distance to travel. But the corruption described in the Newsroom story is in the past. The sport is heading to a better place.

We are, however, best not to forget the hurt inflicted on members in the bad days. And that is why I recommend you read this essay. You can find it at;

‘Pawns in adult power games’ (

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